Dear Poets,
YesYes Books is happy to announce our Open Reading Period for full-length poetry manuscripts is open! Collections by a single author as well as collaborative manuscripts will be considered. Manuscripts with accompanying black and white artwork will be considered.
The details:
- Submission period is Nov 15, 2024 - Mar 1, 2025 or until Submission Cap of 500 is reached. Submission Cap was reaching in 2023 and 2024 so we recommend submitting early!
- All submissions must be made through our Submittable system.
- $25 reading fee. If your manuscript was on the longlist or shortlist of an Open Reading Period in Poetry in a prior year, you are invited to email KMA at for a free submission link.
- Manuscripts must include 48-120 numbered pages of poetry and a table of contents. An acknowledgements page is not required but can be included. Your manuscript must be a single Word docx or PDF.
- A brief bio in the cover letter is optional.
- Manuscript revisions are not allowed during the Open Reading Period. You are welcome to withdraw and resubmit your manuscript but it will require an additional reading fee.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine (of course!), just let us know if your manuscript is picked up elsewhere by putting a note in the Submittable system and withdrawing through the system.
- All decisions regarding the submissions to this reading period will be made on or about May 31, 2025. All submitters will be contacted directly prior to a public announcement.
Full-length publication with YYB comes with the following:
- 40 author copies
- $1000 advance toward royalties
- 15%-25% royalties
- $500 toward tour expenses
Email us at if you have additional questions.
Thank you for considering YesYes Books for your work. We look forward to reading your manuscript!
KMA Sullivan
Publisher, YesYes Books
Dear Writers,
YesYes Books is happy to announce our Open Reading Period for full-length fiction manuscripts is open! We will consider manuscripts in a broad range of genre and narrative styles but in general we desire fiction of strong voice and ebullient imagination. Think Kelly Link, N.K. Jemisin, Noy Holland, Michael Cunningham, Terry Pratchett, Nnedi Okorafor, etc. We hope to publish from one to three fiction manuscripts from this reading period.
The details:
- All submissions must be made through our Submittable system which will take entries starting on Feb 15 and ending on May 31, 2025 or earlier if submission cap of 300 is reached.
- $25 Reading Fee. If your work was longlisted or shortlisted in the fiction category in a prior year, you are invited to email KMA at for a free submission link.
- Submit an excerpt consisting of up to 50 doubled-spaced and numbered pages of your novel, novella, or short story collection. You may include a cover letter with a summary of the project as a whole (not more than two pages) but such a cover letter is not required. Revisions are not allowed during submission period. You are welcome to withdraw and resubmit the sample but it will require an additional submission fee. Your manuscript must be a single Word docx or PDF.
- A brief bio in the cover letter is optional.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine (of course!), just let us know if your manuscript is picked up elsewhere by putting a note in the Submittable system and withdrawing through the system.
- Longlist will be announced on or about September 1 and Longlisted authors will be invited to submit full manuscripts. Longlisted authors will be given two months from invitation to send in their full manuscripts.
Full-length publication with YYB comes with the following:
- 40 author copies
- $1000 advance toward royalties
- 15%-25% royalty package
- $500 toward tour expenses
Email me at if you have additional questions.
Thank you for considering YesYes Books for your work. We look forward to reading your manuscript!
KMA Sullivan
Publisher, YesYes Books
The Pamet River Prize is a nomination-based contest open to first or second full-length books of poetry or prose by women-identifying writers, gender-queer writers, and native writers. You may nominate your own work or the work of others from February 15 through May 31, 2025 or earlier if submission cap of 300 is reached.
1. Provide a cover letter with name, contact information, and a brief bio of the writer whose work is being nominated. If you are nominating the work of a writer other than yourself, you are welcome to include some words regarding why you are nominating the work of this particular writer - though such testimony is not required. If you are nominating your own work (which we also strongly encourage) along with your brief bio you may include a few words on your full-length project - again, this is not required. Max word count for bio and statement is 250 words.
2. Submit a sample consisting of a) 10 poems, b) single story, or c) a section of a novella, memoir, or short novel. Maximum length of sample: 20 pages. Your manuscript must be a single Word docx, or PDF.
3. Sample revisions are not allowed during nomination period. You are welcome to withdraw and resubmit the sample but it will require an additional fee.
4. Nomination fee is $20. If you were a semifinalist or finalist in the Pamet River Prize in a prior year, you are invited to email KMA at for a free submission link.
5. Semi-finalists chosen from nominated samples from this years group will be invited to submit full manuscripts. They will be given two months from invitation to send in their full manuscripts.
Winner will receive the following:
- Publication with YesYes Books
- 40 author copies
- $1000 prize
- 15%-25% royalties
- $500 toward tour expenses
Semi-finalists will be chosen by KMA Sullivan, YesYes Books Publisher, and the YesYes Books Editorial Staff and Readers on or about September 1, 2025.
YYB may also offer publication to manuscripts beyond the winner. Those authors will receive everything listed above except that the $1000 will be an advance against royalties.
Email if you have additional questions.
Thank you for considering YesYes Books. We look forward to reading your nominations!
KMA Sullivan
Publisher, YesYes Books