Ends on This opportunity will close after 400 submissions have been received.$20.00

2024 Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest is open for submissions!
The contest is open to poetry, prose, and mixed genre chapbook manuscripts, 20-25 pages in length including title page and table of contents. Collaborative manuscripts are eligible for submission. Submissions will be open from May 1 to Aug 31, 2024 or until Submission Cap of 400 is reached.

 Winner will receive the following:

  • Publication by YesYes Books (2 print runs of 200)
  • $500 prize
  • 25 author copies per printing (50 copies total)
  • An additional $250 toward tour or promotion expenses 

 Additionally, at least 2 Finalists will receive the following:
   ·      Much sincere public congratulations for being finalists
   ·      Possible publication by YesYes Books (if a finalist is chosen for publication the contestant will receive all of the items the winner will receive except the $500 prize). YesYes Books does not guarantee publication of finalists.
   Winner and Finalists will be announced via all the various forms of social media and online publicity YesYes has at its disposal on or about Sept 1, 2023.
   Entry Fee: $20. If you were a semifinalist or finalist in the Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest in a prior year, you are invited to email KMA at kmasullivan@yesyesbooks.com for a free submission link.
   Eligibility and Other Contest Details:
   Manuscripts must be 20-25 pages in length.
   The winner and finalists will be chosen by KMA Sullivan, YesYes Books Publisher, and YesYes Books editorial staff. Entries will be read blind throughout.
   The manuscript may include pieces that have been published previously, but the manuscript as a whole must be unpublished.
   Simultaneous submissions are fine (indeed, expected), but entries should be withdrawn immediately if accepted elsewhere. The entry fee will not be refunded. Once submitted, manuscripts may not be revised during the reading period without a complete withdrawal and resubmission which would include the payment of a new entry fee. You may enter the contest as many times as you like, but each entry will require its own separate entry fee.
   Your manuscript must be a single Word doc, docx, or PDF. Please include a title page and table of contents (if applicable). We prefer paginated submissions. Please check that your name, email address, and other contact information does not appear anywhere in the document, including the title page. Do not include publication acknowledgments. Your contact information will be saved by our submission manager and revealed to the readers/editors after the winner and finalists have been chosen. When you submit your manuscript you will be asked to pay the fee first and then be invited to upload your manuscript.
   If, after reading these guidelines, you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact KMA Sullivan at kmasullivan@yesyesbooks.com.


YesYes Books